Of all the gay resorts, you had to book us in at Santorum's Retreat?--boneguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Gone but not forgotten, the former senator from Pennsylvania was never a serious candidate for the GOP nomination but he emerged as an affable asshole. His efforts to encourage domination and submission among married couples [boys on top, of course], and genocide for gays where equal measures entertaining and unsettling. Give him this: He managed to look sensible when standing next to Newt.)
"The toll booth always helped, but I'm feeling a whole lot safer now that the sharks are eliminated from the playoffs."--Anonymous (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Sort of topical a few weeks ago. It seems the L.A. hockey team won the Stanley Cup. I was glad to see it mainly because I hate the Jersey Devils. This being L.A., the bandwagon jumpers were predictable and obvious. I heard one guy say he is a huge Kings fan, a real die hard. Asked for his favorite team member, he could not name a single player or identify any of the teams they beat in the playoffs. To be fair, he was wearing an authentic Kings jersey and matching cap.)
"The Islanders SUCK!" --Tim H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Works for me. Always has.)
"Yesterday, I caught a mackerel; today, a turnpike."--Dex (JUDGE'S COMMENT: So...he is stuck on a tiny island with a guy who enjoys puns like this and there is a guard stationed to prevent rescue. This cap, I submit, is a vivid depiction of what hell is like. )
"Don't get me wrong. You're cool and all, God, but Heaven fuckin' sucks."--Population: 1 (JUDGE'S COMMENT: How do you know it's heaven? See above.)
"How come the parking attendant isn't starving and emaciated and hasn't grown a beard?"--
"It's really wearing me down."..."This island sure takes its toll."---smuck (JUDGE'S COMMENT: These are the first and last lines of a long-ass cap that culminates with a serviceable line. Let's exercise a little more restraint and a lot more creativity moving forward, okay smack?)
This is actually a CONDE NASTE advertisement, disguised as a New Yorker cartoon!-- Dr Sumguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Advertisers use this ploy to gain attention and publishers let them get away with it because they are greedy bastards it helps maximize revenue which is used to facilitate a superior editorial product. This desert isle cartoon might work, for example. if it was an ad for expensive booze. It would include a suitably high brow caption that strikes a cord with the target audience but comes off as smug and elitist to everyone else. Something like: "It's not as bad as it seems. I have a bottle of _______ stashed away. Hence the security detail." The best anti-cap might say something like: "I got a bottle of ________. Now will you blow me?")
Christ, what an isle.
Florida was much nicer before they turned every piece of land into a gated community.
Hiring George Zimmerman was a stroke of genius. On the other hand, I really miss wearing my hoody.
Of all the gay resorts, you had to book us in at Santorum's Retreat?
"This place reminds me of Denver, Bob. And, of course, Bob Denver."
"'Witness Protection'! And you?"
"'Witness Protection'! And you?"
I will never again doubt you on global warming, Mr. Gore.
"'Robinson Crusoe Holdings Ltd'. And you must be 'Black Friday'!"
"It's called 'Palm Island'. Named after Ray Mckigney, who wasn't 'Master of his Domain'!"
"It could be years before we have exact change."
"They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot."
"Yeah, I tried to leave once. Then had second thoughts, changed my mind. So I backed up . . . Severe tire damage."
“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.”
---Jack Twist
"Yesterday, I caught a mackerel; today, a turnpike."
"And then I said 'No man is an island' and the next thing you know they put up this fence."
"All right then, you can have his thigh and I'll eat the liver."
"If only we had a nice Chianti and some fava beans."
This is the last time I valet my cruise ship.
"How come the parking attendant isn't starving and emaciated and hasn't grown a beard?"
"OK, sure. Let's keep in mind that being Siamese twins it could be considered equal parts masturbation AND incest."
"Were you a newyorker.com webmaster too?"
"It's really wearing me down."
"Wearing you down?"
"Yeah, all this sitting in the sun. At first it's fine."
"But after a while, it wears on you."
"The incessant heat."
"Mmmm hmm."
"Fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
"Yes sirree. This island sure takes..."
"Well, there are the occasional coconuts."
"True that. Fish and coconuts. But my point is..."
"And there was that tollbooth guy's sandwich we ate."
"Sure. But that was kind of a one time thing."
"I guess you have a point."
"Right, now as I was saying. This island sure takes its..."
"Maybe we can figure out some way to find some more food."
"How? There's nothing around."
"Well, we might be able to craft a boat out of the tollbooth. There's quite a bit of wood there."
"But then who will man the tollbooth?"
"Ah, that's a bit of a dilemma."
"But maybe you're on to something. We could take some bits of wood and make a fire, maybe some smoke signals."
"Do we have some sort of way to start a fire?"
"No, not that I know of."
"That's too bad."
"Well, like I was saying."
"This island sure takes its toll."
"Riker's Island was worse. Did I ever tell you about Bubba?"
"This island sure takes it's toll."
"Atoll booth. What the hell did you think it was?
"O.K. Whose turn is it to be Ginger?"
"Thank God I'm an accredited arborist."
long way to go for a lame joke, smuck.
I don't know what's worse: Your breath or the #$@%ing jokes!
"I'd actually prefer to telecommute."
"It's either the gardener or the pool boy. We can't afford both."
"Thankfully, The New Yorker has finally made desert island cartoons off limit."
"Thankfully, The New Yorker has finally made desert island cartoons off-limits."
"Alls I'm saying is, pace yourself. I mean, this is a two-week Contest, after all."
"Look on the bright side: We don't have to deal with building a lane for E-ZPass ®."
“I’m getting tired of waiting. Go ask the attendant if he’s heard from Godot.”
---left coast wayne
"The toll booth always helped, but I'm feeling a whole lot safer now that the sharks are eliminated from the playoffs."
"The Islanders SUCK!"
"Saw a presentation last week by a guy who wears women's underwear and he sold me a place in a Gay-TED community. How about you?"
"What I wouldn't give for a pair of fishnets . . . but they'd probably never get past the attendant and, besides, that was last week."
This is actually a CONDE NASTE advertisement, disguised as a New Yorker cartoon!
"And this was the toll booth, for the 'Tacoma Narrows Bridge'!"
"You hold him down. I'll do the offshore drilling."
Welcome to the 'Isle of Man', where every man is an island!
"What I resent is the absence of Toll House Cookies."
"Chris, were we wrong putting Natalie in that dinghy?"
"Riker's Island was waaayyyy better than this. At least there I had a concrete slab and the Aryan Nation."
"'Let's get a timeshare!', she says. The minute I do, she leaves me for her personal trainer. I'm only here 'cause I'm being ripped off to the tune of $10,000 a year. AND, they screwed up the scheduling because you're here!"
"Wait a minute. Last night you said it was fate."
"That was exposure and dehydration talking."
"Exposure and dehydration made you say, 'Oh, my God, I'm coming!'?"
"I wish we lived in a gay TED community."
I'm going for a jog. I'll be back in 0.87 seconds.
"Okay- We'll let blacks in, but I draw the line at Jews."
"I don't get it. Springsteen just never comes here."
"I gotta admit, this was on my bucket list."
“I am a rock. I am an island. I have the parking lot concession. What are you?”
---left coast wayne
I love to be beside your side, beside the sea,
Beside the seaside, by the beautiful sea!
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because they always wanted to use my stuff
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because they over charged on even the simplest jobs
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because, frankly, I don't like jews
"You're on my island."
"Before global warming this was Rush Limbaugh's belly."
"Y'know, somebody oughta give that Bob Dylan a medal or something."
"Funny thing is that that beach over there is about 20 feet away. I think we can actually wade over there."
69 hee hee
"We could have left months ago if you'd remembered to bring exact change."
Jim Cavanaugh
"Damn...Dylan gets the Medal of Freedom and we're still stuck on the Isle of Wight."
Jim Cavanaugh
"Man, I could use some sunglasses right about now."
"I don't think the toll taker is unionized."
"Jeez, I just remembered. We're missing the Queen's jubilee!"
"Wow, J.J. Even God hated the end of Lost."
"Just because Keef fell out of the coconut tree, we had to give him a job?"
Tim H... "blah blah Ginger" 6:44 AM
Kathy H... "blah blah arborist" 6:45 AM
Anonymous... "long way to go for a lame joke, smuck." 6:48 AM
Look, Tathy, the point is to submit the worst caption, not merely mediocre ones. So I'll take your criticism as a compliment.
Al, Al, Al,
I thought we were friends. I, too, hate to use the comments section to post non-comments, but...
smuck has misread the name of the person who actually posted that nasty comment. It was NOT "Anonymouse."
So, I wish you would allow me to set the record straight, in the name of all that is fair. That is all I am asking you.
"The difference is nobody in Rhode Island has a job."
"Do you think this is a metaphor for how neglected we feel while waiting for alinla to judge last week's contest?"
"I've got crabs."
"I wish we could get past the guard . . . if only to find out the winners of last week's contest."
---the Patients of Job
"He's been in there for over an hour and I gotta pee."
"Dylan is stealing our captions, although Obama did promise us change."
"Don't forget, checkout time is 12 noon sharp!"
Would it kill you to friend me?
"Oh hell. I just realized we're stuck on this island for one more week."
"We fooled 'em, Chief."
Should I be the one to say, "Welcome to the Amelia Earhart Museum"?
"The sharks, the fence, the guard—it's like fucking Alkaseltzer."
"Remember Beth Herosy? Talk about a pair of coconuts."
"I thought you said no waiting on this aisle."
“Ever since they nixed the Redemption Island option from the show, it seems Jeff Probst has forgotten all about us.”
“You’re probably fine. I’m the one with the Immunity Idol and that guard over there in the booth is going to make sure I’m not voted off. Damn that Jeff Probst!”
---left coast wayne
"Where the hell is that ferry from Woods Hole?"
"Papillon! And yours?"
"Where the hell is that fairy? He was my wood's hole."
"Where the hell is that fairy? He was my wood's hole."
I'm just saying, we've got all these royalties rolling in from the New Yorker; at the very least we could have sprung for a bigger island.
"Who'd you blow to get in?"
"You know! If it weren't for your ad in the 'Meat Rack', we never would of met each other!"
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I don't understand why someone would use my name in this way in this blog. Please remove this post.
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