Note: My father sent me this photo with the cap "Mt. Rushmore From The Canadian Side." It made me laugh (usually that is not the case with the stuff he sends.). If you can offer a cap, feel free.
FIRST PLACE (Four-way tie)
"SOUTH DAKOTA: Come and Smell Our Dairy Air"...purchased from cash-strapped Wisconsin --Anonymouse (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is very good, but only if you know that "dairiare" is French for tush. The Wisconsin part is superulous but well intented.)
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mount Tushmore."-- Kathy H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Kathy is not just about links and bold face type. She can be very funny. Who knew?)
The South Dakota Plumbers' Memorial. --Satireguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Good but flawed. We see no evidence of plumber's butt--which of course is a good thing.)
Even after he relented and added pants, Cristo's tribute to AIDS victims still stirred controversy.-- NAMBY (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Esoteric humor that is also insensative and stupid. Very nice--anti-cap-wise.)
"God help up- the wind is blowing from the south again!"
I am haunted by the faces of my victims. the Canadians, however ...
Crazy Horse comes over and buttfuck's 'em twice a day.
A Fitting Monument To The Seat Of Power
"SOUTH DAKOTA: Come and Smell Our Dairy Air"
...purchased from cash-strapped Wisconsin
"I don't even want to tell you where Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint end up."
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mount Tushmore."
The boys had beans for dinner, and now the polar ice cap has melted.
North by Northwest, as directed by Catherine Breillat
Crack-atoa, East of Custer
Big Bend National Park
The South Dakota Plumbers' Memorial.
I always thought 'Founding Farta' was just that guy's Boston accent.
"How pretty! They finally added some Bushes."
"I am haunted by the feces of my presidents"
"Christ, what a turd-cutter!"
Even after he relented and added pants, Cristo's tribute to AIDS victims still stirred controversy.
Dear Kathy H, The gentlemen are able to mount tush more than the ladies are; nevertheless, I think yours is the best ... caption, that is.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove.
(Sometimes they just write themselves)
Jim Cavanaugh
I call that hitting for the cycle
Hut, Hut, Hut, Hike!
When seen by gay tourists: "Ooh, just like Niagara Falls- SO much better on the Canadian side."
"O.K., guys. One, two, three...Stick Out Your Can, Here Comes The Garbage Man."
The pants make it hard to park my giant bicycle... -cta
National Parks Service press release: "…sculptor Gutzon Borglum's idea was, since Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and T. Roosevelt were all practicing Muslims, he would show them preparing to pray, facing Mecca."
Paying respects to recently-deceased artist John McCraken.
Proudly sponsored by Dakota Wind Energy, LLC.
Although engineers found four large cracks, the monument was determined to be structurally sound.
The Canadian side of South Dakota?
Memo to North Dakota -- crank up the tourism budget -- we keep forgetting that you exist.
"Hey Dad, who is Rushmore and why are they mounting him?"
TIMMY: Do you think it's okay to deface mountains to make national monuments?
DAD: Of course. That way, you don't have to e-rectum.
"Thanks, you guys, for helping me find my contact lens."
DadOfAlInLA, please forward any virus warnings!
Monument to former Secretary of Agriculture Earl "Rusty" Butz (1909-2008)
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