I.Don't know if former President Bush counts himself among this blog's small but loyal following, but I want to suggest something for him to read. That cranky conservative, but occasionally insightful, writer Andrew Sullivan has penned an open letter to our 43rd president demanding that he take responsibility for the "enhanced interrogation" methods he green-lighted. This letter is an absolute must read for Bush and anyone else who believes torture can be morally justified. Sullivan reminds us that Bush authorized procedures commonly used by third world dictators and tyrants. He describes in detail the pain and agony inflicted on behalf of American citizens. There is yet to be an accounting for this. To be candid, the letter, which also appears in the October issue of The Atlantic, is a bit long winded and repetitive. Sullivan also wastes time kissing Bush's buttock and admits he supported him in 2000, (It's as s if he needs to make clear that he is not just another Bush-loathing liberal. )
Even so, this letter is something you should read and pass along. Bush, in my opinion, was a horrible president on every level imaginable Still, his decision to use pain and suffering as a "technique" in the so-called "war on terror," is the the most despicable action in his disastrous rein. As Sullivan asserts, this abuse of human rights remains a black eye for a our country and it must be addressed. Please read this letter!
Even so, this letter is something you should read and pass along. Bush, in my opinion, was a horrible president on every level imaginable Still, his decision to use pain and suffering as a "technique" in the so-called "war on terror," is the the most despicable action in his disastrous rein. As Sullivan asserts, this abuse of human rights remains a black eye for a our country and it must be addressed. Please read this letter!
(The Photo above is a detainee forced into a 'stress position' by U.S. military personnel at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison in 2003. It is from the HBO documentary, 'Ghosts of Abu Ghraib.')
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