I've looked at geese from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's goose illusions I recall
From up and down, and still somehow
It's goose illusions I recall
I really don't know geese at all--Joni M. (JUDGE'S COMMENT: "Goose illusions" sounds like a brand of personal lubricant, but really, what's the point of this? The song bastardized here may have been penned by Joni, but Judy had the definitive version of this sad but brilliant song.)
"I'm new at this. Tell me when to crap." --Anonymouse (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Reminds us that no car owner has ever complained about turtle shit.)
"You'd think O'Hare would be faster, but it's not."--O. Tortoise (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A complex pun with double-edged commentary. This will hit home with travelers familiar with Chicago's notoriously inefficient airport as well as toddlers familiar with a fable about a tortoise beating a hare in a foot race.)
"I'm the Allstate Turtle. We're the top-dog insurer around here, so kindly reverse direction, or you'll all be Af-lacking a pulse after my boys get their good hands on you."--
"Helium suppositories."--Steve_O (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Equal measures gross and imaginative. The A.P. reports that "army doctors in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba use suppository devices to administer sedatives to unruly prisoners." This is a clinical way of saying that if someone locked up in Gitmo gets really pissed off, they bend him over and ram something up his ass--and it's all legal, medically sound even. I for one would not find that calming.)
"Christ, what a tort-ass"--Dex (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is terrible but it made me think of a Harry Chapin song that includes the lines: "His foot nudged the break to slow him down, but the petal floored easy with out a sound...He said "CHRIST!"...It was funny that he had named the only man who could save him now..." RIP Harry.)
No, Mr. Loon. I expect you to die.-- Zak S (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Worst Bond riff ever.)
"I hear the Anti-Caption Judge can't update this contest while recuperating from an unfortunate amorous encounter with some type of bovid."--Impatient Observer (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Having recently visited Vermont, I can tell you there is no such thing as an "unfortunate amorous encounter with bovid." If you get my drift.)
"No, Al's not dead. He's just really important."--Anonymous (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Actually I'm neither. Still, reminds me of a line from the "Larry Sanders Show." When Larry tells his producer Artie to "be there or be square," the old man assures him, "I can do both!" )
"Someone said it would take Al longer to judge this contest than it would take a turtle to fly. But what the fuck do they know?"--Damon (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Please spare me the straw man argument or I will remind everyone that someone said Demon hasn't won this thing in a long, long time.)
"Like I told the pig in the department store---alinla must have missed his flight."---blw (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Actually I missed a bus to NYC and the train to Vermont was sold out, but my flights when smooth--thank you. I'll get to the pig soon enough.)
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You mean to tell me that I'm the flock's only dues paying NRA member?
I'm here because Stephen Jay Gould said we were related.
"I'm offering you a charter membership in the Interspecies Mile-High Club."
"Although the Byrds where game, the effort to combine two major rock bands from the sixties failed to materialize when only one Turtle showed up."
"If you're ever in Turtle Bay, look me up."
"Yes, it's a new Olympic event. I race a hare for a mile and then fly with you guys for ten."
"I'm a 'Mock Turtle', that's why!"
"Most of my portfolio is in Turtle Wax ® and Shell Oil ®."
"Trust me; that's the last time I'll book through Travelocity".
"Last year I ran with the bulls in Pamploma."
"Hey, you guys ever listen to M.C. Escher?"
"I may be in serious trouble without my cola-powered jet boosters."
"I'm new at this. Tell me when to crap."
"Ever play Goose, Goose, Turtle?"
"I just saw your Honk If You Love Jesus bumper sticker and thought I'd come along."
"'Turtle Airways Ltd.', Fiji, beach to beach. Wanna see my (L-20A) Beaver?"
I learned on a UH-1A "Huey" attack helicopter in 'Nam. Now I just do it for fun.
"I was "flung" out of Townsville Australia...live military exercise".
The turtle lives 'twixt plated decks
Which practically conceal its sex.
I think it clever of the turtle
In such a fix to be so fertile.
"I'm the Allstate Turtle. We're the top-dog insurer around here, so kindly reverse direction, or you'll all be Af-lacking a pulse after my boys get their good hands on you."
A six pack of M-80s tied to my belly. How about you?
"You won't be seeing Superman this trip . . . now he just flies business class."
“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.” ---Jack Twist
"I thought you meant draft beer."
As Senate Minority Leader, I should be in front of this gaggle of silly goose Republicans.
I'm Yertle the Turtle! Oh, marvelous me!
For I am the ruler of all that I see!
Which is basically some bird's ass and a piece of Oklahoma down there that nobody cares about anyway.
Yes, this disguise is stupid, but this way nobody is going to be going after my liver.
"Gimme room ... I'm gonna do an 'Immelmann' followed by a 'Barrel Roll'!"
(Matronly British voice over:) "And no matter how many times they would race, the hare would lose to the tortoise...and he never could understand why."
"So, tell me, can I get a bereavement discount?"
"I said 'QUACK' damn it!"
What say we try the new US Airways ride that takes you right through the engine?
"I am haunted by the feces of my wingmen."
Narrator: "Good evening and welcome to PBS. This is Alan Alda. These feathery geese are flying with an unusual friend over the largest dairy farm in Wisconsin. Once I parachute into it, the scene will be complete: it's turtles, Alda, whey, down."
Real quick guys, I'm looking for a lead on where to score some hollow bones and adhesive feaaaaaaaath..........
"It's basically a mobile home."
So's I says to the toitle I'm flyin wit I says "what're we waitin' fer!"
"255 X-Block Slant H-Disco Alert 12 Trap!"
Honk if you love geeses. (Sorry Kathy H.)
"Don't mind me; I'm just skydiving."
"Help me, please! I don't know how to land!!"
This was Sergey Brin's idea.
"Look, I'm sick of all this quacking behind my back, I fly at a slow and steady pace, okay?"
"Here's my pledge to you, my friend: I will stop flying the day pigs learn to fly. OK?"
"Christ, what a fast fowl."
Jim Cavanaugh
"I got a race to run. Mind if we duck into O'hare?"
"If you're not the lead goose, the view never changes."
"I call dibs on Tippi Hedren's eyes!"
What say we dive bomb the Facebook parking lot and get turtle shit all over the Turtle Wax.
“Believe me, this was not my first choice to get to the Olympics.”
“University of Maryland. Class of ‘91. You?”
---left coast wayne
“Well, inter-species dating does have its advantages. I’ve never gotten anywhere this fast before.”
---left coast wayne
“This is crazy. It just seemed to make a lot more sense on the ground.”
“Are you sure this is how to get to alinla? Is he expecting us? It’s not how I typically go there.”
---left coast wayne
"I'm a ghost!"
"What's the matter, never seen a triphibian before?"
Jim Cavanaugh
"Here's the 65th Goddamn comment. So what do I win!?"
"I'm stoked. I just put a deposit on my dream car."
Anderson Pooper
"Pardon me. Do you have an extra 'Barf Bag'?"
"Hi! My name is 'Blondie'! With your honk and my hiss, we can now go for the 'Full Douche'!"
“Southwest. Shells fly free.”
---left coast wayne
Why so surprised? Even teenage ninja turtles grow up.
"I was goose bumped from Flight 126! What about you?"
"Hey, if anyone had told me beforehand that is trip was a two-weeker, I would've eaten more...y'know...turtle food!"
"This is definitely not the right direction to the New Yorker. I hope to god we're not flying to alinla."
"Gamera (ガメラ)...Don't you understand my Japanese? I am looking for my arch nemeses...wait for it ... Godzilla (ゴジラ)"
"אני לא יכול להאמין אני זיון פליינג!"
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Have you read "The Kite Runner"? Feakin' changed my life.
"Flyover state? In Soviet Russia, state flies over you!"
"You'd think O'Hare would be faster, but it's not."
"Duck, I am your father."
"Duck! Incoming 747! Duck, I say!"
"Which one of you ladies called for Squirtle?"
You must be mistaken. I only come in hardtop.
"It was a Virgin America Gift Certificate ... Call 1 877 359 8474 ... Say ELEVATE ... And Voila'!"
IMDB ENTRY: Turtle, Cecil B. Although as an up-and-coming actor he was widely praised for his work with Bugs Bunny in the 1941 Looney Tunes classic, Tortoise Beats Hare, he would later draw criticism for accepting roles that where clearly beyond his range as an actor.
"Still think you're so fucking cool?"
Bound to fall? You're kidding me, right?
"We Mexicans are very persistent".
"If I just strapped the drugs to my back that would be too obvious".
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away
If you can use some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ..."
"Helium suppositories."
"If we score a direct hit on that ball bearing factory, it will bring the Fuhrer to his knees".
Believe me when I tell you this Howard, George Lucas is still smarting from that fiasco.
"Shell I escort you south?"
"Which one of you guys is the sky marshal? I won't tell."
"Some people call me Flo; other people call me Eddie."
"Ever wonder what sounds a turtle makes during sex?"
I've looked at geese from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's goose illusions I recall
I really don't know geese at all
If you insist on flying over Waziristan, I insist on full body armour.
"It's one of those fucking New Yorker double issues. Originally you guys were in the July 9th edition and I was scheduled for July 16th."
"Look, I promise we can overcome our differences. Unless you try to raise the children as Scientologists."
"Spock it's me Jim"..."I know' I know, that is all explained in the pre prequel".
"Witness protection program."
"Man!...I just had to get away from that whining pig."
"I hear the Anti-Caption Judge can't update this contest while recuperating from an unfortunate amorous encounter with some type of bovid."
"Alls I'm saying is, watch out for those duckeasies."
"I'm a Canada turtle, that's why."
No, Mr. Loon. I expect you to die!
"Thanks for the lift, guys. Could you drop me off at Aeschylus?"
"Pardon! Could you check my shell for 'Klingon's?"
Now here's a race I can win!
"Have you accepted our lord Jesus Christ as your saviour?"
This way to the soup convention?
"All I heard was, “Clay pigeons, live turtles, what’s the difference"?"
al's still upset over the disrespect we showed Bob Dillon.
"I am a turtle but the cartoonist is "God"".
"Duh, winning!"
"Not for nothing, but, did any of you guys file a flight plan?"
"When the time comes to finally land, I suggest we try Penn State's Beaver Stadium. There'll be PLENTY of space to set down."
We ARE Penn State! Support our Nittany lyings!
"No, Al's not dead. He's just really important."
"Someone said it would take Al longer to judge this contest than it would take a turtle to fly. But what the fuck do they know?"
"Like I told the pig in the department store---alinla must have missed his flight."
"Hey, if you see a Roman chariot down there, let me know. I'd like to shit on it."
---Hannibal of Carthage
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