my day a hard drive was crossing a river with crocodiles.--gfwrite
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Poachers are
probably a greater threat than crocks, but let's not quibble. This
is, by far, the funniest, most creative cap entered. It seems
gfwrite may be emerging as our next Anti-Cap star. A bit like being
the best ice hockey player in Trinidad, but still.)
kid you have it easy. When I was your age I was living in a zoo and
working for peanuts.--boneguy
COMMENT: Elephants are extraordinarily smart and there are many
people who feel they should not be held in captivity. So if they ever
developed opposable thumbs this seems a plausible scenario. I'm just
you saying just because we're Republicans, the ACA website won't work
for us?--boneguy
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Or, more likely, because they're Republicans, they
DON'T WANT it to work –not for you, not for elephants, not for
since that trip to Alabama my Tuscaloosa."--LR
COMMENT: Groan inducing-- yet clever. Stupid puns like this are like
a glue that simultaneously holds this contest together and gums up
the works.)
remember when we needed to use a mouse. That was some scary
shit."--Dex (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Again we are left to wonder how the hell an elephant can
use a computer. Made me wonder why no one suggested the elephant was
trolling for a date on the “Misc Romance” section of Craigslist
or, continuing the Republican theme, Christian Mingle. )
your ass so i can watch the pillow--Anonymous (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Calls attention to the odd design on the pillow. Yes, it
could be a TV. So a great eye for detail renders an absurd caption
with zero entertainment value.)
you ready for the judgement? Are you ready for that terrible swift
sword?"--Bob is tired of waiting (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: The very instant I came to this cap, a Bob Dylan song came
on the radio station I'm streaming from Nashville [WDVX]. The song
mentions “the coast of Californ”--which is, more or less, where I
live. I read somewhere that deceased loved ones will reach out to the
living with a song timed at a precisely appropriate moment. Also, the
cap is based on a song from the Dylan's 1980 Christian-themed album,
“Saved.” AND it is a cap that calls attention to my inattention
to this contest...It's all kind of spooky is all I'm saying.)
browsing for porn and judge the damn contests!"--Anonymous
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: A lot you know!
You don't have to browse for something you have already bookmarked.
Also, if this cap is from Mrs. al in la I really don't appreciate you
humor, dear.)
enter a contest with the judge you have, not
the judge you want.--boneguy
COMMENT: A bastardization of Rummy's famous quote explaining his
blunders as Sec. Of Defense during the Iraq debacle. He was mostly
interested in defending his incompetence.)
at the bright side. al is in no
way judgmental.--
COMMENT: You really get the sense that the absence of results hit
boneguy particularly hard. )
the loss of JohnnyB the beginning of the end for al?.......just
wonderin'--Anonymous (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Not really, but soon after he departed I got an email from
Johnny saying he found it tedious that I included so many Honorable
Mentions. I had always assumed that was a good thing.)
turn, Nova. Grandpa needs to placate his minions"--Peon, Me
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: If you only knew
how poignant this is. Nova believes the only worthwhile use of my
“pewter” occurs when she climbs up on my lap so we can watch
cartoons on YouTube together. On many days I agree.)
al was alive, he used to judge the contest every week."--Satireguy
COMMENT: See below. )
you remember New Yorker Anti-Caption Contest #397, where the Grim
Reaper came in as relief pitcher? Al was next batter."--Shelly
COMMENT: I'm touched that some may have speculated that the absence
of Anit-Cap results was a byproduct of my untimely departure. It's
like someone hears their paperboy died they invariably think, “That's
too bad. Now how the hell am I supposed to get my paper every day? )
you know what's weirder than a kid elephant using a laptop? People
who keep entering a caption contest where there is never a
winner."--Anonymous (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Weirder still is the incessant need for validation in even
the most trivial matters.)
Radosh had his faults, but Contest abandonment was not one of
COMMENT: Four minutes after entering this Ms. H added: "What
I mean is that when he did abandon the Contest, he gave two-weeks'
notice.” I
remember once back in NYC, I quit a job and gave two weeks notice.
About an hour later, after my boss saw me reading the paper, munching
on doughnuts and making personal calls, he said “Why don't we make
this your last day?” This somehow made me think of that.)
a life, people.--Anonymous
COMMENT: I sense this is a reference to the caps beggaring me.
Still, telling someone to “Get a life.” never prompts them to say
“Okay, will do!.”)
we just cast a vote amongst ourselves for the winner?"--Anonymous
COMMENT: If life worked like that I'd have my Pulitzer Prize
displayed along side my Oscar and my Heisman
a search for 'alinla'."
-- Jim Cavanugh (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Appropriate for the image and the circumstance, I suppose.
This blog is in fact the top result that surfaces when you search
Google for “al in la.” Finding the real al in la proves to be a
bit more complicated, I'd be the first to admit.)
it's not the judging. It's the contest that matters."--al
in al (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: This was, indeed, posted by yours truly. It is telling for a
couple reasons. Even as I continued to post the contest –which
takes about two minutes – I am well aware that I had not offered results in several
weeks. I felt the need to communicate something that might be somehow
comforting to Anti-Cappers. The image of an old elephant making a
remark to someone on a computer prompted this. It was hastily added
as a means of suggesting that you don't need a weather-man to know
which way the wind blows. Still, I look at it now and see that, in my
haste, I wrote “al in al.” Not to be clever. Just a consequence
of my chronic sloppiness. So I'll share this with you: one of the
reason's writing comments is a pain in the ass is that I almost
always see type-os when I read what I've posted. I think it
compromises my stature as a writer [wait for laughter]. Actually it
just annoys me. It's a recurring issue, is all I'm trying to say.)
"Remember, it's not the judging. It's the contest that matters."
Christ, kid you have it easy. When I was your age I was living in a zoo and working for peanuts.
"Ever since that trip to Alabama my Tuscaloosa."
You enter a contest with the judge you have, not the judge you want.
"Move over. I wanna play some Pac-hyderm Man ."
"__ __________ _ ____ ___ _ __-___!"
Decipher THAT, NSA!
"...and on keyboard is Elephants Gerald."
Was the loss of JohnnyB the beginning of the end for al?.......just wonderin'
"Hey Babar, google 'horny heffalumps' for me."
Are you saying just because we're Republicans, the ACA website won't work for us?
Today's Sudoku Solution.
"I remember when we needed to use a mouse. That was some scary shit."
Nine eleven!
Never forget!
"My turn, Nova. Grandpa needs to placate his minions"
"When I was a kid, we got our porn the old-fashioned way - on VCRs."
"Twinkles is the name. Storybook packages are my game."
"Mary the Elephant. Clinchfield Railroad yard. The horror. The horror."
"Homework, TV, Trunkbook. You kids, today.. Always trying to multitusk!"
"Pachyderm your trunk. We're going on a truncation."
Whose idea was it to install low flow toilets?
Whose idea was it to install low flow toilets?
'Do you know what's weirder than a kid elephant using a laptop? People who keep entering a caption contest where there is never a winner."
"Hey, you remember New Yorker Anti-Caption Contest #397, where the Grim Reaper came in as relief pitcher? Al was next batter."
"When al was alive, he used to judge the contest every week."
"Are you ready for the judgement? Are you ready for that terrible swift sword?"
"Do a search for 'alinla'."
Jim Cavanugh
"Daniel Radosh had his faults, but Contest abandonment was not one of them."
"What I mean is that when he did abandon the Contest, he gave two-weeks' notice."
Get a life, people.
"Hey, kid, look this up: Why the hell do the Oakland A's have an elephant on their sleeves?"
"Why can't you be more like your brother Chris. He's on the cover of TIME!"
In my day a hard drive was crossing a river with crocodiles.
If you keep playing games, you'll lose your herding instinct.
Did you remember to . . . oh, of course you did.
Look at the bright side. al is in no
way judgmental.
Another future "nosy" Republican in training! drmrs 11/14/2013
"Can we just cast a vote amongst ourselves for the winner?"
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