"Every fucking cactus is giving you the finger, asshole!"--NJ-to-TX
COMMENT: Not especially funny, but it contains a literal truth
presented in a manner that is absurd, juvenile, simplistic and
inappropriate. As such, it's not without merit. [Note the skillful juxtaposition of “finger” and “asshole”] It
gains top honors to confirm that the judging criteria is consistent,
even if the judge is not.)
know those sadists at the New Yorker deliberately left us here for
two whole weeks while a bunch of assholes try to think of something
funny to say."--Anonymous (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Another
“asshole” delivered anonymously. Cheap shots aimed at the NYer
are always welcomed here but never mistake laziness with sadism, even
if they often yield the same unfortunate result. [See: Bush, George
W.] )
Did I leave the oven on??"--Kathy
H (JUDGE'S COMMENT : Remarkably, Kathy did not provide a
link to confirm that an oven is a common household appliance that
generates heat. This gets props to encourage her continued
participation which, in turn, facilitates my continued ridicule. Call
it the “Anti Cap Circle of Life.”)
like a couple of sperm in Demi Moore's cooter."--LR
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Nasty, but it confirms that even B-list
celebrities are fair game for mean spirited quips. From this we can
deduce that the veteran actress is unable to bare children-- we
already knew she couldn't hatch a decent movie. [See what I mean by
"In all my years of cross-country skiing the Mojave Desert, I've never seen a player as good as Jimmy Chitwood."--Anonymous (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This references the reluctant weird-looking hero who led his H.S. basketball team to victory in “Hoosiers.” The film, starring Gene Hackman as the coach, was released in 1986, which is also when I was covering the film industry – so I knew this! In my gameshow fantasy, I buzz-in and say: “'Late '80's Movies' for a hundred, Alex.)
wonder Polish names end in -ski."--NJ-to-TX
COMMENT : Get it? Polish people are dumb and only a dumb person would
ski in the desert. But would they have the self-awareness to
disparage themselves like this? Someone once told me “Jet Ski” was
Russian for “jet.” Made me laugh. )
you're an asshole!"--Steve_O
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: They're both assholes, but Steve is no
asshole. He gets my blessing for resurrecting a classic. Praise be.)
haunted by the chafing of my rectum."--Shelly
COMMENT: Despite the discomfort, rectum is a fancy way to say asshole, so here we have a gruesome classic evoked in a classy way. [It's a twist on “I'm haunted by the faces of my victims." ] Remember, the judging powers here are extreme. )
H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: So begins a string of Anti-Caps that
call attention to the sporadic nature of the judging process. It's
only when your absence goes unnoticed that you fail to be relevant.
Nice job Tim! I have been home all this time but, sadly, the
lost-in-a-desert metaphor is fitting.)
only I had changed my will, bequeathing the contest to Mrs.
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: First-ever use of the word
in this contest. Congrats! The Mrs. jumped in around Thanksgiving but
this contest is hardly a treasure to be enjoyed by generations to
come. The Anti Cap contest is more like a special needs person – a
blind quadriplegic with Tourette
syndrome, say. If the primary caregiver
goes, it's only right to ask who will take responsibility.
Arrangements must be made. Besides, she's already getting my Dylan
collection and my Mickey Mantle-autographed baseball.)
one: How is al like Romney?
Ever since Obama won, neither has done
COMMENT: Here's another one: How is Ken like Romney? They both annoy al. This cap reenforces
the notion that if you haven't done anything for me, you haven't done
anything at all. They should remove “In God We Trust” and put that on
our currency, you know, for the sake of accuracy. )
the point? Al's not coming back."--Satireguy
COMMENT: If your contribution is aimed only at acquiring validation,
you have indeed missed the point...Now go.)
in la? Oh, I hear he's been traded to Toronto."--Anonymouse
(JUDGE'S COMMENT : An obvious reference to R.A. Dickey. Works
on several levels. I have been told I bare some resemblance
to the author/knuckleballer who instantly became a former Met when he
won the Cy Young award. It's their perverse incentive program: do well and we will send you away. I can relate.)
I die here and now at least I will be remembered as the last
First Place winner
in alinla's stupid Anti-Caption Contest."--Anonymouse
COMMENT: Not anymore. Besides, I clicked your self-serving link and it was Mrs. al
in la who gave you top honors some weeks back. That's like your
mother telling you you're handsome. Also, "stupid Anti-Caption" is redundant.)
as they say...dying's easy, comedy's hard. And apparently judging
comedy is hardest of all."--Steve_O
COMMENT: Judging is easy. It's the accountability that's burdensome.)
somebody turn the lights off?! This moribund blog is wasting bits on
the interwebs.--Hypocritical
COMMENT: As if! That's like saying bleach is wasted when used to
create blonde hair. Sometimes the ends justify the means. Redeeming
value: First use of the word “moribund”
in this contest.)
the rush? You think this contest is going to judge itself?--boneguy
COMMENT: This calls attention to the expanded window of opportunity
that exists when the judging is sluggish – I think.)
must be the vast, arid wasteland known as a neglected blog."--Shelly
COMMENT: To which he other guy says, “Now you tell me!” Point
al was torn apart by hyenas, who on earth posted
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Thanks man! I have been dutifully posting the
cartoon week after week. A high school teacher buddy of mine once
told me he shows films when he's hung-over or just not into teaching. Same
philosophy applies.)
am I surprised that the same guy who thinks a Fiat is a French car
would get us into this mess?--boneguy
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Yeah I get it. You're right. I was wrong. But
scrutiny is only valid when the scrutinized give a shit what you
al if I hear "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it,
people like me" one more time I'm going to shove this ski up
your ass.--Anonymous
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: I never say shit like that, but if you're going to sodomize me with a ski, at least have the decency to use extra wax and go pointy-tip first.)
the new year I resolve to cut Al's ration of shit in
Idiot (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Notice this doesn't specify which
new year.)
think........after two weeks of this treacherous
sun.....that that asshole would have posted.......the NEW
done. And that's "JUDGE Asshole" to you, mister.)
wish Al were here. He'd know what to do."--Satireguy
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: I'd make a
signal fire by using my glasses to magnify the sun onto a pile of flammable items like your caps and gloves [which I can't believe you're still
wearing]. While waiting for help, I would use your skies and jackets
to make a shelter. I'd use the tips of the polls to extract moisture
from the cactus and share with you the now-melted, but still
delicious Snickers Bar that I had in my pack all the while. But before I did any of that, I'd make fun of you for trying to ski in the desert.)
"We're like a couple of sperm in Demi Moore's cooter."
Next time, a polite no will do when Al Gore asks us to go skiing.
"I want my two dollars."
"No wonder Polish names end in -ski."
"Next time let's try downhill."
"The ski report said dry powder over a 110 inch base!"
The Lonely Planet did say Utah was a dry state.
If only I had changed my will, bequeathing the contest to Mrs. alinla.
"I can't believe the lift is not operational in the summer."
“Who would’ve guessed that little hybrid your wife delivered would run out of gas before we even got near the mountains.”
---left coast wayne
“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.” ---Jack Twist
Here's one: How is al like Romney?
Ever since Obama won, neither has done shit.
"I'm haunted by the chafing of my rectum."
"I don't understand why, but Death Valley Oversized Baguette Delivery Service always makes the top 10 list of best places to work in California."
"And I don't want any water ... It interferes with my suffering!"
Do you ever get the feeling that "Lightbulb Head" Johnson from the office is watching us?
"What's the point? Al's not coming back."
" in la? Oh, I hear he's been traded to Toronto."
"In all my years of cross-country skiing the Mojave Desert, I've never seen a player as good as Jimmy Chitwood."
"If I die here and now at least I will be remembered as the last First Place winner in alinla's stupid Anti-Caption Contest."
"Well, as they say...dying's easy, comedy's hard. And apparently judging comedy is hardest of all."
Will somebody turn the lights off?! This moribund blog is wasting bits on the interwebs.
"I wish Al were here. He'd know what to do."
“First to swim across Antarctica . . . now first to ski Death Valley . . . we make history wherever we go, Fred.”
---left coast wayne
What's the rush? You think this contest is going to judge itself?
"Next time when we do cross country skiing let's pick a smaller country ... Say ... Liechtenstein!"
"Damn. Did I leave the oven on??"
Not-quite-accurate titles to obscure Police songs #283: 'T Bar In The Sahara'.
"If you think I'm hot, you should see my wife."
"If I hear you say, 'The worst day skiing still beats the best day working' one more time..."
"This must be the vast, arid wasteland known as a neglected blog."
If al was torn apart by hyenas, who on earth posted
"It's been a very sad week . . . and we expect sympathy for skiing in the desert? What is wrong with this culture???"
"So I said to mom, 'Don't worry about Frankie and me—we'll be lying in the sand somewhere soaking up the sun.'"
Why am I surprised that the same guy who thinks a Fiat is a French car would get us into this mess?
" What? Merry WHAT?"
"Got another unfunny 'Al abandoned us' quip, Mr. Brilliant?"
"You know those sadists at the New Yorker deliberately left us here for two whole weeks while a bunch of assholes try to think of something funny to say."
"Oh, so you are deeply sorry for the actions that resulted in this circumstance."
"But the sign said 'Leave only footprints'!"
"You're right, this is way better than a lift ticket!"
In the new year I resolve to cut Al's ration of shit in half.
Yeah I know, avalanche risk is low again today.
"If we get naked, our wives will know we went to Vegas."
"Oh-oh . . . on your left . . . approaching fiscal cliff. Like it matters."
---left coast wayne
Even a man can bare children, in question is her ability to bear children.
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