Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays from the City of Angels

NOTE: With the New Yorker on its year end hiatus, the Anti-Caption contest is stretched over two weeks. I would declare a week one winner but that's like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing. I figured we'd let it ride. In no way will this elevate the overall quality of the entries, but it will give JohnnyB and the rest of you mugs something to do.
The photo was taken by Mrs. alinla while we were strolling along Hollywood Blvd. recently. It's me and a few elves we befriended. It was a chilly blustery night but the warmth of the holiday spirit was with us. I smile with the confidence of a man who has discreetly moved his wallet to the pocket inside his jacket.


Anonymous said...

The als here are obscene.

Anonymous said...

"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to pose with transvestite elves."

Anonymous said...

Unemployed writer nails job interview.

JohnnyB said...

Ho Ho Ho. Al. Ho

JohnnyB said...

“Going for a stroll,”
Reports Al in L.A.,
“On Hollywood Boulevard,
The elves were dressed so gay.
They took me to a room
Ready to go to town
It turns out, like a Christmas tree
They had balls hanging down.”

Tranny elves, tranny elves
Seduced Al in L.A.
They opened up their packages
And led the boy astray

Anonymous said...

"Excuse me . . . now which one of you is alinla???"


Satireguy said...

I see that al in la has finally landed that plum lead in the new sitcom "Trans-Al-vania".

LaToylet said...

"This is it!...The doomed relaunch of the Jackson 5."

Blown Tranny said...

"Why can't blonds wear miniskirts on Hollywood Blvd.?...Because their balls will show."

Anonymous said...

alinla and four other friends now have the new Facebook profile.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just doesn't belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others?
The one with the beard, born without any schlong

Anita Mann said...

"...on the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four hos a-whoring..."

Richard H said...

More important, however, is what Al learned about himself in LA

Mick Dylancanbiteme said...

He keeps running for the shelter of his Santa's little helper

Jess said...

Now playing in Hollywood: The Four Tops (and a bottom)!

Anonymous said...

"Tranny-Lover, you look like a good guy. Thanks for keeping the contest alive. Happy Holidays to you and the mrs."

Anonymouse said...

"With SoCal's upcoming Storm of the Century. Or Something, just remind the 'Ladies' why there are no streetwalkers in Venice. Y'know, the one in Italy. With all that water and such."

Eric G said...

What? You mean they're not attracted to me because of my rapier wit?

Happy Holidaze said...

Hey Al, if you were to judge anti-caps from your new friends, would that make you a "TV critic?"

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to al
And to al a good night

Anonymous said...

#4 has a clip-on?

Ashen Dockworker said...

al used to be Hooked on Phonics but now his hookers are phonies.

Utellme said...

At least you had home training enough to remove your hat when in the presence of ladies.

Utellme said...

Why move your wallet when 15 minutes after this photo was taken you were removing its contents anyway?

Utellme said...

Does Mrs. Alinla also cling more tightly to her purse when African-American males board the elevator?

Anonymous said...

“When you’re finished here, al, we’ll need you on the bridge-to-nowhere project.”

homage to RH

Satireguy said...

It appears Al-in-la likes bobbing for Adam's apples.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. al.
Thanks for bringing a little laughter into our lives.

One of the gang

Anonymous said...

Happy alidays.

Anonymous said...

"Every time an Anti-Caption rings true to al, an angel gets its wings" -cta

Utellme said...

Jingle balls, jingle balls
al goes al the way
oh what fun it is to ride
when you're openly gay-ay!

Your Fairy Godmother said...

The next words out of alinla's mouth were "Tranny, will you read me a bedtime story?"

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al in la

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Los Angeles, California, United States
BORN: Brooklyn RAISED: Staten Island WHERE AT NOW: Los Angeles, California WHY: We will one day know.