Monday, April 18, 2016

New Yorker Anti-Caption Contest No. 519


Anonymous said...

"Don't worry. Cheney only shoots people."

Jim Cavanaugh

Anonymous said...

"You think Ernie Els is bad? This guy take eight shots to sink a birdie."

Anonymous said...

"He doesn't pay us much attention anymore. Kinda like alinla."

NJ-to-TX said...

"Sold out to the man"

boneguy said...

By the looks of things, his aversion therapy is going gangbusters.

NJ-to-TX said...

"It's so quiet, you can hear this being the 6th caption."

Shelly said...

"They're probably hunting thongbirds."

Dr Sumguy said...

"This gives a whole new meaning to gun control!"

Anonymous said...

"Any idea where J.D. went? Maybe he'd give it a shot."

Anonymous said...

He is going to wreck the "Blue" on that shotgun.

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