a toreador, are you more a fan of Aaron Spelling or do you adore
Tori?"--Shelly (JUDGE'S COMMENT: The courage it must have
taken to post this. Actually it was among a batch of three caps
lauched with one thunderous entry. Let me once again point out that
entries with multiple caps are seldom worthwhile. Luckily the pratice
has been on the wane. The word play here is either from someone
trying to be obnoxious or clever. Hard to say. A narcarist with
delustionary tendencies, most likely. As for the question poised: Why
does it have to be an either/or type of thing?)
guarantee you the one eliminated ISN'T getting interviewed on TV
tomorrow.--gfwrite (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: A bizzaro
world DWTS that hints at bestiality
but concludes with one of the dancers being slaughtered. A death by
mambo type of thing. Sounds good! [Fox are you listening?] But who is
doing the talking? When the dance is over, wouldn't it be awkward to
have a person, or even worse a bull, put down on national TV? Asks
more questions than it answers but the effort is there. )
steer."--NJ-to-TX (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A painful pun from a
reliable yet temperamental anti-capper. It took an eerie turn 11 hours
later when the next cap, posted by every one's favorite anti-capper, Anonymous, said "Jew follow." As in "I'll steer, Jew follow." Funny, no? The part two is a bit more edgy, but was it over
the line? Whether NJ-to-TX will take umbrage remains to be seen. Stay
you crazy bastard, how are you?--JohnnyB (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Who know
what? I have no idea what Pasodole means and I don't care. If it is
good enough for Johonny B...)
Horas here are obscene."
-- Pi Ling Ahn (JUDGE'S COMMENT: If
it is good enough for Pi... )
too, was disappointed with your honoring of the anti-Semitic caption
for the pigs-at-the-trough cartoon and your subsequent failure to
apologize. Sometimes it's best to say "I made a mistake"
and move on. -- Satire guy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: It is touching to know
your judge is revered by anti-cappers as a trusted and benevolent
man of good faith and cheer to all, no matter their race creed or
sexual shenanigans. Sure. Noted. But it's been said that Jews only
love free speech because it's free. Mazel tov and l'chaim,
my sensitive friend.)
good there aren't any Camel Jockeys, Frogs, Oreos, Uncle Toms, Kykes,
Spics, Guidos, Squaws, Nips, Degos, Coons, Krauts, Redskins, Chinks,
or Towelheads here to see this. Wait...did I say Spics?"--Anonymous
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Yes...You did. But you also screwed the pooch. The
original classic anti-cap line is, “It's a good thing there are no
black people around to see this.” Far from being racist, it is a
commentary on how blacks are rarely seen in NYer cartoons. It
suggests that the image is so lame it's a good thing it's not being
inflicted on the very group being systematically excluded. But since
the anti-cap unleashed all those naughty words it is being “honored”
here. The blow back be damned.)
"Someday, i will fume angrily as I interview you in my office."
Look at me. I'm always horny.
"I don't mind doing the hokey, but that pokey part kinda worries me."
Dance like no one is watching. Because they aren't.
They call me Bull Cosby. Did you take the pill I gave you?
They say, “Eat, drink and be merry
Take the bull by the horns”
I keep seeing visions of you, a lily among thorns
Everything looks a little blurry to me
"We may be showing our sensitive side, but all those philistines want is a big bucket of blood."
"I should be good. I come from a long line of hoofers."
When you’re dragging my disemboweled corpse around the stadium, remember me like this.
"I keep my friends close, and my enemies closer, Javier Boredom."
"Las horas aqui son obsceno."
Juanny B.?
Now follow my lead. Juan, two, three, Juan, two, three....
"How's the crowd taking it?"
"I think I should be leading."
"Everyone's going to the cape."
"It's a cock ring. When the hell have you ever seen a bullfight where a bull had a regular old nose ring?"
"For Thanksgiving this year, you should really have capon."
"Did you back Gore in 2000? Well I'm gonna gore your back in about 2 minutes."
"As a toreador, are you more a fan of Aaron Spelling or do you adore Tori?"
"Sounds like the crowd wants you to dance naked, like me."
"Rome? Ha! These are the real Spanish Steps!!"
"La via del tren subterraneo es peligrosa."
"This is nothing. I went toe to toe with Benecio del Turnover during the state finals of '85."
"Step on my hoof again pal and it's red rag time."
Christ, what a paso doble.
"Nobody puts baby in the corner."
"If this erection lasts more than four hours you better see a doctor."
I'll guarantee you the one eliminated ISN'T getting interviewed on TV tomorrow.
"Seriously? You can't do a basic foxtrot? This isn't a junior high dance!"
Are my recent castration and new found obsession with dance just a coincidence?
"I'll steer."
"Jew follow."
"The Horas here are obscene."
Pi Ling Ahn
What irony that we met in a leather bar.
"I get it. You're thinking Waltz Roast Beef."
"I decapeitate my victims."
"Haven't we met before? Pamplona, perhaps?"
I, too, was disappointed with your honoring of the anti-Semitic caption for the pigs-at-the-trough cartoon and your subsequent failure to apologize. Sometimes it's best to say "I made a mistake" and move on.
"How's the crowd taking it, Pedro?"
"If you think a bit of dirty dancing is going to lead to a roll in the hay, you're dreaming bub."
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