know, Charlie, this here would make one hell
of a good cartoon. No caption needed: the irony of the image speaks
for itself. And with a couple of us blue collar workers standing here
in the foreground, watching the destruction of a cultural touchstone
for the working class, it becomes a profound commentary on the death
of shared social spaces in America and on our growing cultural
isolation. Jeez, it's just too bad I had to open my fuckin' mouth and
ruin the moment, ain't it?"-- Evan
(JUDGE'S COMENT: This cartoon needs no caption. Yeah...that's it!!
It's a touchstone or some kind of isolation thing. Know what? I
agree. And in that spirt, and mindful that I have a bushel of
unjudged contests, this cap is hereby named the sole and exclusive
winner of this contest.)
"It's my turn."
"I think this is what you call irony."
"So ... This is the 'Big Lebowski'!"
"STRIKE ... (by teamsters local #105)!"
"We might need a different ball since these lanes have always been oily- you know, owned by Italians."
"When you said we're gonna 'Have a Ball', I didn't visualize this!"
"This is the greatest moment of my life."
"You know ... This feels good ... I still resent having to rent those stinking bowling shoes!"
"I once saw Johnny Petraglia make this."
"I hear that they're putting up a bowling alley."
"You know, Charlie, this here would make one hell of a good cartoon. No caption needed: the irony of the image speaks for itself. And with a couple of us blue collar workers standing here in the foreground, watching the destruction of a cultural touchstone for the working class, it becomes a profound commentary on the death of shared social spaces in America and on our growing cultural isolation. Jeez, it's just too bad I had to open my fuckin' mouth and ruin the moment, ain't it?"
"'Earl Anthony.' Your turn, name another."
"La bolero."
Finally, X Games for geezers.
This almost beats the time we dynamited the Wile E. Coyote Museum.
"This kinda remind's me of my marriage."
Aim between the one and three pins
This is so meta, Bob. It really makes you think all philosophically and stuff, which is crazy because we're just simple working folk.
"Let's get started. I'm almost sure I double checked the address."
"I guess it's plan B for after work."
"Well, Obama didn't promise us lanes. "
Jim Cavanaugh
"Kegler? I barely knew her!"
"Which is harder to knock down - a 7-Ten or a 7-Eleven?"
This is my greatest stunt pinata yet.
"It's our biggest bowl movement ever."
Jim Cavanaugh
“Damn! I left my cellphone home.”
“Do all those X’s mean that there’s nobody inside?”
"I dunno. I still think we should call in the boss."
" in the boss."
"Someday, God willing, this will be an Olympic medal event."
"Maybe we should put on our bowling shoes first?"
Use whatever metaphor you want, just knock it down.
"We've been standing here so long that they just landmarked the goddamned place."
"If I get a "strike" will I still get my minimum four hours?
"We gotta strike E-Bowl-A before it strikes us, Frank."
"I can't get over the potential of fun."
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