"Is this the stop
where people get pushed in front of subway
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Makes sense and has a
morbid though slightly gruesome qualty, just perfect for an Anti-Cap.
We're left with a faint sense of optimism. Perhaps Batman will save
some hapless citizen. More likely it's just a copycat psyco in a Batman suit. You them in the subway all the time.)
"Don't you just hate
these faux subway station urinals?"--Satireguy (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: At first glance it does look like a old men's room, but
neither of the two guys is lined up properly. Didn't stop Satireguy.
But, realistically, he didn't do much with the concept. “A” for
effort. )
"Dylan sold out. I'm
gonna kill myself."--ames (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: An obvious reference to the greatest Super Bowl commercials
in history. Bob Looked great as he pitched us on buying American made
cars. It was the highlight of a one sided Super Bowl. Also I
predicted a blow out by Seattle, thought the score I had was 38-20.
man."--james (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: This, of couse references Bart's superhero alter-ego on The
Simpsons AND uses the name of the subway system in the San Francisco
area. Ironically, it's a rather pedestican attempt.)
U R IN AL--Anonymous
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: Another bathroom
reference and a judge judgment. Noted.)
"Which rail did you say I should aim the stream at again?"
"I'm BART man."
Every Friday night it's the same goddam story. Rush downtown, grab Robin out of some gay bar and keep him breathing until the ketamine wears off.
"I'm Batman, and I'm waiting for a subway train. I normally have several privately-owned vehicles to travel in, but circumstances have forced me to use public transportation instead. That's the joke."
"I know it was just here. I can see its tracks."
"Fuuuuuck Youuuuu!"
"That little wiener Robin has totaled the Batmobile!"
"What's the matter with you? So I'm a little late for the Village Halloween Parade."
"La via del tren subterraneo es peligrosa. No salga afuera.”
"Dylan sold out. I'm gonna kill myself."
"Quiznos never made me wait this long."
"Not one superhero in Inside Llewyn Davis! Not one!!"
De Blasio's screw the rich tax scheme has been eating into my bottom line.
"Don't you just hate these faux subway station urinals?"
"Want some action?"
Between the subway and Uber who needs a Batmobile?
"What gets me is that they wasted all that beautiful Guastavino tile down at the unused City Hall station and put bathroom tile up here!"
"I have a wide stance."
"Is this the stop where people get pushed in front of subway trains?"
"If you see something, say something. "
"I'm confused ... Is it a Latrine or Latetrain!"
"Hey, moron! How do I get to 14th Street?"
Hey aren't you Dr Sumguy? I heard I could find you down under.
"Hey pal - it's my day off so if the news is depressing and you decide to jump,I really don't give a shit."
Boneguy once gave me an Aussie kiss! ... It' like a French kiss ... But Down Under!"
"Please stand clear... of the moving platform... as trains enter... and leave... the station.
Por favor, manténgase alejado ... de la plataforma en movimiento ... ya que los trenes entren ... y dejar ... la estación."
"Im superhero 'Galactus', and Im lactating on the third rail ... 'Pelham one two three ain't gonna stop here!"
I may have given Sumguy an Aussie kiss but at least I didn't spend 10 days using a hirsute naturalist as a body pillow.
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