and seven beers ago..."--Dex (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: Yeah it's me: The elusive pre-occupied but still breathing
al in la. Sitting here watching “Wreck It Ralph” with my
granddaughter. Yes, I am well aware that I have not rendered
judgement on our humble little contest in what seems like an etenity
(to some of you, I mean). But at least give me some props for posting
the contest each week so you can self-judge or whatever. I hardly
ever drive my car but I do at least remember to move it across the
street twice-a-week to comply with alternative side of the street
parking regs—its kind of like that. Thanks to all who have posted
caps. Just so you know: this blog consistently gets a at least a 100
unique visits a day so somebody somewhere is watching. As for the
above cap, it has a historical reference AND beer. A slam dunk. Is
that the kind of insight you've missed? Bless your heart if you said
Kathleen. Limit enrollment by carrier pigeon and rename it Abe-bama
COMMENT: In the time that has passed since my last judging, my
personal hero, Barack Obama, has fallen on hard times. He screwed up
this health care thing, BUT my instincts tell me he is playing
opossum, kind of like Ali's rope-a-dope. Just when this right-wing
Obama-hating-zealots think they got him, he screws them good—which
means he does something that truly benefits the American people.
This cap from boneguy's is not vicious and it's slightly funny.
we forget about the theater tonight? I'm shot."
Cavanaugh (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Think of the
implications for history if Abe had gone to the movies or, better
yet, stayed home to watch porn on his computer, say. Kind of weird
that no one had Abe's back that fateful night. When Chaney spoke to a
gun rights group in Wisconsin audience members where barred from
bringing their guns. It was a trifecta of irony, hypocrisy and –yes--
common sense.)
stated it in 1863 in reference to 1776.
+ 7 = 1863 – 1776
+ 7 = 87
= 80
s = 20
a score is 20 years. Simple algebra, my dear, simple
COMMENT: Confusing but I'm guessing some thought went into this. I
don't get it but lack of comprehension has never interfered with
blind allegiance.)
some of the people can be all right part of the time,
But all of
the people can't be all right all of the time.--Levon
COMMENT: To lazy to look up exactly what song this is from, but I
know its an old Dylan song. While making dinner for Mrs. al in la
last night, I listened to Bob's outstanding 2001 album “Love and
Theft.” I believe the song “Mississippi” is a masterpiece—as
good as any Dylan song ever. Replace “Mississippi” with “Staten
Island “ and, I swear, that song is about me.)
a long absence, alinlatrine appears.
Cavsnsugh (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: If this is actually from Jim, he misspelled his last name
while trying to make fun of my nom
de plume. So there may be poetic justice there. I have long wondered
if Jim actually uses his real name here – and if so why. Please
include your hone number Jim and I will call you to find out.)
shaves before attending the theater for the last time, hearing his
final words, "Sic semper The Contest!"--Shelly
semper tyrannis” is a Latin phrase meaning "thus, always, to
tyrants," which, more or less, means “screw the Man” I
think it's from a Dylan song.)
I'm done having the DTs, I'll get on with judging.--alinla
(JUDGE'S COMMENT: I include this
only to make clear that I did NOT post this cap. I did in fact post
one under my own fake name. Anyway, it pleases me NOT at all when
some asshole posts under al in la. We have rules about that kind of
thing, you know.)
guys,... no time to judge a crappy caption contest, gotta go free
some slaves."--Puffin (JUDGE'S
COMMENT: There is some truth to this. Regular readers know that I am
a writer of sorts. I was laid off from my job as the editor of a magazine
nearly five years ago (!) and have been freelancing ever since. It is
a constant struggle but I do get assignments and am a contributing reporter
for a newspaper published by a labor union. The above Anti-Caption
offers a touch of irony because I also created an online presence
else where. This will sound arrogant and self important but I
honestly believe that in someways it is the intellectual equivalent
of freeing the slaves—or at least trying to. I thought I would
include a few details down here because I believe only the diehards
will actually read it. A few weeks ago a new hyper-partisan website
called “Truth Revolt” was launched with the expressed purpose of
exposing the liberal media. Of course the real agenda is to advance
right wing bull shit propergander. It is spearheaded by Ben Shapiro,
a angry but slightly affable hard line conservative known for making
stuff up like a group called “Friends Of Humas” which he stupidly
claimed was backing Sen. Chuck Hagel's campaign. (Turned out to be
bogus, of course.) I have never been big on posting comments on sites
like this—especially if there are hundreds of others venting. We
live in age when political loyalties are chiseled in stone. It would
be easier to empty the ocean with a shot glass than change the mind
of an Obama-hating Tea Party-loving zealot. But
because this silly little website was brand new and there were relatively few comments. Just for the hell of it, I started to
throw a few again the wall. And yes, I identified – and continue to
identify--my self as “al in la.” I was amazed at the vitriol
and nastiness that my very sensible and occcasionally humorous
comments engendered. “Libtard,” “Obama-loving scumbag,”
“Kool—Air drinker,” “Red Sox fan” where just some of the
horrible names I was called [Okay, the last one I made up for
dramatic effect. No one said anything THAT mean, and besides I don't
really follow baseball and have no idea who won baseball's
Superbowl.] One constant that has emerged when I post these comments is people continually
accuse me of being a paid operative. This is flattering--but ludicrous. Because I actually write complete sentences and cite specific facts and shit, there is an on-going assumption that I have
been sent behind energy lines to make trouble. [I'm guessing they
assumed my many type-o's where purposely included to cover my tracks.] At
one point, I actually taunted them into changing a headline that
said: "TruthRevolt's
Shapiro on Megyn Kelly: We're Watching 'The Bugs Bunny Media at
I astutely noted that this
poorly worded headline suggests that Shapiro was describing Kelly as
a cartoon character. (She is, of course, but that was not what he was
trying to say.) Shapiro was so intent on bragging about his appearance
"on" Fox News that he botched the headline and embarrassed
himself. Within minutes of my comment mocking it, the headline was
changed. But that little incident was meaningless compared to the way they twist and bend ANY news item that potentially plays to their narrative. Overall, there is a sloppy haphazard approach taken by the brain trust at Truth
Revolt. What is also ironic is that as he endeavors to diminish the "main stream media," Shapiro who's title is
Editor-in-Chief, revealed himself to be a careless, no-talent hack. (At least I'M out of the denial stage.) But I digress. The point is the Anti-Cap contest has been good to me
and I apologize for letting it lapse. I will try to do better but, as
always, I promise nothing. As every freelancer knows: the hours
here are obscene .
After a long absence, alinlatrine appears.
Jim Cavsnsugh
Al shaves before attending the theater for the last time, hearing his final words, "Sic semper The Contest!"
"Sorry guys, no time to judge a crappy caption contest, gotta go free some slaves."
Ok, which wise guy emancipated my last sharp blade?
Shave and a haircut ... Two bit coins!
"Stay clam and carry on."
And some of the people can be all right part of the time,
But all of the people can't be all right all of the time.
"Why are there Lincoln Logs in the toilet?"
Dorian Gray runs out of pubic area shaving gel!
"Oh, I thought you said I had an APE face."
"I used to look like a million bucks. Now I just look like a penny."
The Magic of Daniel Day-Lewis
Gahan Wilson is on a roll!
"Can we forget about the theater tonight? I'm shot."
Jim Cavanaugh
The 14th cap really is from me--Jim Cavanaugh
When I'm done having the DTs, I'll get on with judging.
How weird. Last week it was Taft.
"Fourscore and seven beers ago..."
"Why are you calling me Five Dollar Bill?"
"No, I said that I was concerned about shaves."
"Over the seven jewelled hills, beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs, dwells Abe Lincoln, fairest one of all!"
"Quick ... Get me 'Csah and Carrie'', but stay clam!"
Osama, Oshavea
"Honey, remind me to buy a doorknob. Oh, and Lincoln is in the mirror. Again."
"What is this? The Twilight Zone??"
Hey Kathleen. Limit enrollment by carrier pigeon and rename it Abe-bama Care.
Or, if you go to the website and get no response you can call it albamacare.
"Hey Honey, that new shaving cream you bought is giving me delusions of grandeur."
Well, at least I didn't see my wife in the mirror! drmrs 11/14 2013
"Honey, he's back!"
"...running late for my Kindle Mayday gig..."
"I stated it in 1863 in reference to 1776.
4s + 7 = 1863 - 1776
4s + 7 = 87
4s = 80
s = 20
So a score is 20 years. Simple algebra, my dear, simple algebra."
"Candyman, Candyman, Candyman isn't working anymore..."
Honey, did my delusions of grandeur meds come in the mail yet?
Trent in no less than five years
No, no, no.
Not 4s = 80 s = 20
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