Note: I am writing this from a Holiday Inn in Kingston, NY. I took the a red-eye Friday night from L.A. and arrived on Saturday just in time to attend the start of my brother-in-law Gary's two-day wake. Understandably, it was sad, yet life-affirming. I saw many people I had not seen in many years. People I did not know hugged me. My sister Anne, who had told me she would understand if I couldn't come all the way from California on such short notice, wept when she saw me (in a good way, I mean.) Trying to keep it upbeat, I spontaneously told Gary's son--my nephew--that I will one day dance at his wedding only to be reminded that he had gotten married a few years ago. (This had momentarily slipped my mind. And yes, his wife--a very charming and intelligent woman who serves in the U.S. Navy--was standing at his side when I said this.) I smiled sheepishly and changed the subject.
The funeral mass and burial was this morning. It snowed big thick flakes, shrouding the solemn grave-side ceremony with a picturesque white blanket that was somewhat comforting. Still, I admit, it was uncomfortably cold for someone from L.A. who has seldom experienced temperatures under 60 degrees over the past ten years. I didn't shiver, but I did cry. The white-haired priest told us he knew Gary to be a strong and dignified man. He even mentioned that he was a "devoted fan of the New York Mets baseball team," lest any of us thought he was referring to an arena football team. Reaching for an anecdote to take the edge off, he recalled how Gary volunteered to change light bulbs on the ceiling of the church while tittering precariously on top of a ladder.
"This was something no one else would attempt." said the padre. "Gary was a brave man." he added with perfect comic timing that evoked mild laughter from the 100 or so assembled in the old and, yes, well lit church. The priest, spoke in an authoritative yet calming voice that commanded attention and brought comfort. He had a thick accent that I thought was Italian but later learned was Polish (either way it was very stirring). He said Gary died after confessing his sins and was "now with God." I choose to believe this.
Perhaps it was God's will but last week's cartoon was drab and listless. Not surprisingly it drew the fewest entries we've seen in many weeks. A few at the tale end of the contest remarked on the comments I posted on Wednesday about Gary. One was in the form of a caption. I picked it as the lone winner. Next week we'll get back to our old ways. Right now I'm going to finish this bottle of wine and watch the re-play of the Mets/Braves Spring training game--and think about a good man who did a lot more with his life than change lights bulbs in a church.
"They've all gone to pay their respects to Alinla's brother-in-law." (Very sorry to hear about your loss, Al!) --Steve_O (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Thanks, man. This cap definitely does not suck.)
"Look, I'm telling you- I finally have my coprophagia under control!"
"Oh yeah- Well I think YOU'RE the one who farted!"
You get the water; you're closer.
I told you the whole board shouldn't go to Japan at the same time.
What? Too soon?
"I said your mother wears her combative spirit everywhere....to boot."
"This way I get to look at all the chicks' boobs when you're talking."
"Hmmmm, what rhymes with 'I've got photos of you fucking the cleaning woman'?"
"A-4 is a miss, but C-5, ha ha ha, sinks your fucking battleship, right, Phelpsy?"
"The meeting of the Board of Outsourcing Enterprises, Inc. will come to order."
"I SAID, 'I'M GAY!'"
"Where is everybody? We were all supposed to tell Julie Taymor to take a hike."
Yes Governor, of course it's a good idea.
Oh crap. It's daylight savings time again, isn't it.
This meeting of the Scott Walker fan club will come to order.
"The players want transparency, and more women reporters with big tits in the locker room."
"Ever notice how much this table looks like a microchip?"
Could you please pass the water?
"Everybody else went on the spaceship with that cookbook guy. Can I take Jensen's seat today?"
My way is the company way.
Executive policy is by me OK.
I'll never be president,
But there's one thing clear,
As long as my uncle can stand me,
I will still be here
Welcome to the annual Goldman Sachs
Ethics in Finance Workshop. Once again, attendance has surpassed expectations.
"To the penny, Number One."
"...so the CEO turns to the tea partier and says, 'that union guy wants to take your cookie.'"
"First order of business: Get rid of all those extra water glasses."
"I'm going to the commissary. Does anybody need anything?"
"Dammit, Baxter, I wanted the same number of chairs on both sides of the table. You're fired!"
"You ask me if I have dyslexia? Let me tell you something. I AM Dog."
"My taint has been so itchy lately. How long do you think it'll take for your toenail to grow that far?"
"Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you."
"If you see the Wine Steward, would you send him down my way? Thanks."
“Of all places, you’d think here at the corporate offices of The New Yorker, they’d have a lifeguard on duty.”
"I'm ordering the lobster bisque to start . . . How about you?"
---left coast wayne
"Did you hear about the guy in a motorboat pulled over by a cop in the middle of the desert?"
---left coast wayne
This must be the finest Hewlett Packard Board of Directors we have ever assembled.
Productivity is up, sales are up, profits are up ... are we ever gonna fuckin' hire?
Jim Cavanaugh
"No mustard, Bond, and I expect mine on rye."
"You're in my seat"
"It's like being at a Mets' home game in late August."
One of us! One of us! One.....
"Payroll tax on stock option exercises of $55 million for fiscal 2001 to date is allocated to research and development, as the second plane hits the south tower, while administrative expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Operations remains steady."
"They're protesting the offensive winners of the boat contest. Or the firing of the Aflac duck. Not sure."
"All those in favor of making a significant contribution to the Red Cross for Japanese relief, say 'Aye.' Alinla's usual kickback will be included."
"What did I always tell them? 'The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.'"
"Yes. You're on Undercover Boss, I'm really the CEO...and, your fired."
"Sorry, I'm still radioactive. How is it the only two white guys survived, anyway?"
"Wait. You mean to tell me that they're all out auditioning to be the new voice of the Aflac duck?"
"...and, you're fired."
The Evrolet woman? What does she have to do with - oh. Ohhhhhh. Well, good for you, Baxter.
-Carol Lou Ellen
(I know you don't need the link, alinla, but some newcomers might.)
Bizarro Musical Chairs
"How about, Catch the Wave—The New Toyota Tsunami? No good?"
"The 9th annual meeting of the Coaltion of the Willing is now in session."
Jim Cavanaugh
"Yes Sir, Mr. Nimitz! I'll have those figures in just a sec."
Maybe a Mets fan club in L.A. was a bad idea.
I'm going to sit this one out, sir. I had 3 explosions last night and my fuel rod is spent.
“Sales are down 73% due to consumer confidence, competition overseas, cheaper and healthier alternatives, and because Kool-Aid tastes like shit.”
The annual review of safety policies and procedures for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant plant is now in session. Now, where the hell is everyone?
"Apparently, we have a split-squad today."
"I've got an idea. What if we published a book of New Yorker-type cartoons with Charlie Sheen quotes as captions? WINNING!"
Before we get started,
did you know you can spell kimchi ,gimchi, kimchee, or kim chee? I needed to get that off my chest.
The others are out with radiation poisoning.
Jim Cavanaugh
"Chair today, gone tomorrow."
"Sorry, sir, only 28 chairs. I forgot it was March."
We have a quorum, Governor Walker.
Jim Cavanaugh
"Hey, Moose, let's get one thing straight: Cowboys never got stitches. Oh, yeah, and what an unfunny cartoon!
(saving alinla the typing: "and an even less funny, self-indulgent piece of shit craption")
I heard everyone else missed the big Granada meeting with a headache.
A very brazen tandem of Robert Blake and William Shatner prepare their keynote address for the rather poorly attended first and last annual 'Murder is the New Divorce" Convention.
"You know, when I sit at a table this huge, it makes me want to listen to Sigur Ros, visualize pastures, contemplate my own brilliance... And, maybe touch myself a little"
"Yeah, shit-for-brains, but a no-fly zone over the spewing plant in Fukushima would first require bombing the Japanese air defense systems on the ground."
“I can see now that turning the tables on you may not be as easy as I anticipated.”
“Señor, señor, let’s disconnect these cables
Overturn these tables
This place don’t make sense to me no more
Can you tell me what we’re waiting for, señor?”
---Little Bobby Zimmerman
“You know, I ‘never sat once at the head of the table, and didn’t even talk to the people at the table, who just cleaned up all the food from the table’ . . . but enough table talk . . . where’s Hattie Carroll with the agendas?”
---the Hibbing Hotshot
"When you've got something, you've got something to lose."
Perhaps we could give the quake survivors a chairtable donation.
Jim Cavanaugh
"Well, here's another nice mesa you've gotten me into!"
"What's the latest out of Fujiwhatsitz?"
"Just like a Jap to bring a water cannon to a nuke plant."
(not a cap, but honestly Al, I feel sad about your BIL, and it's hard to get all excited about coming up with a caption this week. Hugs to you and your sister.)
I'm a quake victim, too. I can't get parts for my Lexus.
No more musical chairs.
"Welcome to PaperFootball for Steroid Users Super Bowl I"
"Sir, the one thing they had in common was picking Louisville and/or Pittsburgh for the Final Four."
"To a man, we're missing the ones who voted for 'Seismic Sushi' and 'Tsunami Tuna Me!' rolls on our restaurants' menus."
Good moring, Mr. Icahn.
I suppose a game of footsie is out of the question.
Excerpts from The Seasons.
For everything there is a season: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to laugh, and a time to weep; a time to dance, and a time to mourn......
2-4-11, 3-16-11
"They've all gone to pay their respects to Alinla's brother-in-law." (Very sorry to hear about your loss, Al!)
Likewise, al. So very sorry to hear about your loss. He was way too young. Condolences to you and Mrs. al.
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