The cartoon appears to feature God handing Moses the Ten Commandments while wearing a disguise. This triggered a bevy of Anti-Caps and one of the best assortments we have seen all year. Admittedly the year is still a baby, but this cartoon gave anti-cappers a lot to work with. Congratulations to all the winners especially the Jets. Just in: The overnight anchor guy on MSNBC just said: "Tom Brady, impossibly handsome as he might be, could not figure out the Jets." I just found that funny, that's all.
Here are this week's winners written while watching about seven hours of football and some completely pointless gabfest called The Golden Globe Awards. Leave a comment to register your admiration, disdain or indifference.
O Lord, I am not mirthy.--Jim Cavanaugh (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Jim C. scores with a pretty good pun that actually fits the cartoon and would not gain traction in the real competition. In other words: it has all the elements. I had considered the Anti-Cap: "More vaudeville then vengeful, if you ask me." but this is more concise and witty. "Mirthy," of course, is not a real word, but this is not a real contest.)
"Let me get this straight, Lord. Take the Jets and the points?" --Kathy H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This may have won if K.H. had the cojones to pick the Jets outright. [They were 8-point dogs.] Their victory today over the Pats was the best sports buzz I've had since the Mets shut out the Phillies three games in a row. Best part: as a long-time fan I feared they would get their butt kicked. As the saying goes, New York sports fans don't root, they plead.)
"So, you ARE Jewish." --Anonymous (JUDGE'S COMMENT: If you want to make the case that many Jewish people have
"Gai kakhen afenyam, dude!" --Gary P (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Oy! We so seldom get Anti-Caps in Yiddish. This is obscure, confusing and not really funny, but still slightly impressive. Depending on who you ask, this translates to either "go jump in a lake," "go shit in the ocean" or--my personal favorite--"go whistle in the ocean.")
Here's 11 through 20. thanks for waiting. I know, half a grade down for being two millennia late --wholly Moses (JUDGE'S COMMENT: If there is another 10, here's what I say should be forbidden:
The designated hitter
Numbers used for words (i.e. "4 words")
Bud Light
"Wheel Of Fortune"
Indoor football
That Geico commercial with the squeaking little piggy
Really, really long books
Page Six
Pierced anything but ears
Hollywood award shows that Mrs. al in la insists on watching instead of ESPN after a Jets' playoff win)
"This shit isn't etched in stone, right Godcho?"--PB (JUDGE'S COMMENT: We had God references and several Groucho references, but this was the only hybrid. As it happens, the 10 commandments have been watered down. No. 10, for example, says you may not covet your neighbor's "manservant, maidservant, ox or donkey." We seldom hear that part.)
"Number 8 doesn't apply to Berle."--dwilk (JUDGE'S COMMENT: We can always count on dwilk to favor cryptic over funny. Uncle Miltie is rumored to have appropriated much of his material from other comics. But people looked the other way because he
"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" --Kathy H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A line from a Marx Bros movie. Groucho is right up there with Bob Dylan, Tom Seaver and my brother Bill on my list of personal heros.)
"You want me to deliver your Manifesto to your chosen people? Are you sure they're ready for Marxism?" --cta (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A good little crossover cap, but Marxism is to religion what KY Jelly is to abstinence. In one political science class I had, the professor threatened to fail the next smartass to make a Groucho pun when Karl Marx was discussed. That's how frequently it happened.)
“Nine dollars and forty cents??? This is an outrage. If I were you, I wouldn’t pay it.”---Otis B. Driftwood (JUDGE'S COMMENT: From a "A Night at the Opera." Not their best work. Certainly not out best cap.)
Please accept my resignation. I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member. --Eric G under the guise of Groucho God (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Since there is two of them, don't you mean, "guys?" And besides, you show up here week after week, don't you Eric?)
"I know your not him. He had a painted-on mustache. And where the fuck is your cigar?"--Julius (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Saying "your" when you mean "you're" is a common mistake here, but Groucho was born Julius Henry Marx so there's that.)
"Well, if I accepted that -- in a court of law they could prove that I have knowledge of his whereabouts. Now you just be patient, God -- we'll get in touch with you, alright."--Tom Hagen (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A paraphrase from The Godfather. Michael is in Italy and Kay is trying to contact him. Tom can't help her. Kind of works.)
“Everything I did was covered by accountants and lawyers who told me what I had to do to stay within the law.”--T.D. (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is an exact quote from convicted felon Tom Delay after he was finally found guilty of money laundering. It is also what he will likely say when he meets his maker. The judge didn't buy it and, I believe, neither will God. The only thing worse than a scumbag is a scumbag who has no idea he is a scumbag.)
"Julia Sweeney told me to tell you that she's going to sue your ass." --Kathy H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Kathy linked to some play I never heard of. Sort of funny, but linking off-site to get a laugh cheapens the joke--if that is possible in this venue.)
"Take my commandments.....please!" --Satireguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Slightly smile inducing. Henny Youngman probably made his take-my-wife-joke 10,000 times. but I don't think he is a good role model for us here. I like to think we're more high brow. I like to think that anyway.)
"Hey! You! Get off of my cloud."--Carlisle (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Not funny but this, I believe, is our first ever Rolling Stones reference.)
"Hey! Hey! You! You! Get off of my shroud!" --dick_jaggerstein (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Much better than the previous cap. The idea here is to be funny not to regurgitate a line from a lyric that's like 40 years old.)
Here you are, Mr. Lennon. Read a book of Marx.--Rocko (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Don Mclean's classic "American Pie" was the first single I ever bought. For all these years, I thought the song said "book ON Marx." I Googled it, and the Rock's story checks out. Thanks for straightening me out on this.)
"Tell me if any of these are funny."--Dan (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This asserts that the guy in the cloud who we assume to be God, is the one doing the talking. Look close. He is not. I can identify with this question because it sums up my judging role. And, yes, the answer is usually "No!")
"And, on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, God dangled his chad."--Your point Being? (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is a reference to
Fenneman, you crazy bastard! How are you?--R.E. Membering (JUDGE'S COMMENT: I have no idea what Fenneman refers to, but I like to keep the classics alive. It is also nice to see this one without the gratuitous "hell" that everyone sticks into the second part. UPDATE: Turns out this references George Fenneman who was Groucho's sidekick on the game show "You Bet Your Life." To sort of redeem my self, I do know a famous anecdote about the show. Asked why she had multiple children [like 10 I think], a woman contestant said " Well, I love my husband." Groucho quipped: "Lady, I love my cigar but I take it out of my mouth once in a while." )
"False deity, you crazy bastard. How are you?"--JG Frazer (JUDGE'S COMMENT: I won't mock Him or call Him names. You really want to keep him happy. That's my take.)
"Christ, what an...assiduous supreme being you are." (nervous laughter) --Rex (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Another classic. This one suggests that no one, not even an anti-capper, is ready to call God an asshole. You got to like that kind of respect. )
Moses speaking into his Bluetooth: "Hello ACLU? I'm being harassed by a religious fanatic." NAMBY (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Way back in the Daniel days of this contest, there was a cartoon that had Adam and Eve fleeing the Garden of Eden. There was a huge finger in the sky pointing the way out as if to suggest they were being evicted by God himself. The winning cap that week was "Hello ACLU? We're being harassed by a religious fanatic!" It was submitted by a young wide eyed rookie who went by the name al in la. So this is like Great Moments in Anti Cap History--if you're me, I mean. )
"Wuh d-ya mean 25 words or less?"--Bev (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This proves that even if this very reasonable guideline came from the top, people would still question it. Interesting to note that Bev also submitted a cap that had God scratching His balls. She may one day regret this. )
Cut it down to your best five and re-submit it or I'll delete some of them myself.--R.B. Trary (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is either very flattering or a brazen attempt to mock me. Once again the five-caps-a-person rule is beyond reasonable.)
"You want me to give this dictionary to alinla and not say it's from you?"--pretentious_prick (JUDGE'S COMMENT: I already have one and even without it I know what "pretentious" means [I live in L.A. fer Christ's sake] and I certainly know what "prick" means. [Did I mention where I live?] I understand that the occasional type-o slips in. That just keeps it reel--I mean real.)
That's OK, I have it on Kindle. -Jeff Bozos (JUDGE'S COMMENT: This is, at best, Family Circus Funny, but it makes a statement about modern technology. Very cute. Maybe little Jeffy wrote it.)
Is there an app for this? --Hy Fy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Similar and not any funnier...but shorter. Hy Fy also sounds like a Japanese thing.)
And for you Aaron, my no-fail ten step latke recipe.--boneguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: Good one boneguy. Reminds me of a cartoon that had two guys drinking in a dive bar. One is saying something like "No, no. I'm Sidney. Sidney Christ. You're thinking of my brother Jesus. Happens all the time." I am paraphrasing, of course but it was funny. )
“Where do you want this killin’ done?” --Tim H (JUDGE'S COMMENT: "Man you must be putting me on." This is our requisite Dylan reference. Thanks Tim. What you lack in creativity you make up in loyalty. Could have signed it "Abe" but then we won't know who to thank.)
And how the hell am I supposed to get these lyrics to some guy named Zimmerman who won't be born for another 5000 years? --boneguy (JUDGE'S COMMENT: A few years ago, during his completely forgettable 60 Minutes interview with the late Ed Bradley, Dylan hinted that his lyrics where a gift from above. I don't know if this is a reference to that, but I do not believe the guy would say "hell." Not to God anyway. )
The al in la Ten Commandments
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
Flattering but ridiculous. I don't believe that judging this silly little contest makes me a god (even one with a lower case "g." ) And I don't believe any one else believes it either.
2. You shall write captions only while idle.
That's silly. This contest is open to anyone, not just Eric Idle and his immediate family.
3. Do not take the name of al in la in vain just because you only made honorable mention.
Taking my pseudonym in vain is as much a part of this thing as Kathy H's links, and JohnnyB's baseball cap.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, and that the winners will be picked within 48 to 72 hours.
Granted the results have been a bit sluggish at times, but they are usually delivered all cleaned and pressed by Monday morning so this one is totally bogus.
5. Honor your father and mother by writing captions funnier than JohnnyB's.
How does doing something that is as easy as eating Jello with a big spoon honor your parents?
6. You shall not murder the English language.
That is like telling a baby not to poop it's pants. Ain't gonna happen.
7. You shall not commit adultery or act like an adult at any time.
I agree with the first part (and not just because my wife will read this) but not the second.
8. You shall not steal thy neighbor's caption.
That would be petty larceny at best, so why make an issue of it? And as Woody Guthrie once sang: "Some will rob with a six gun, some with a fountain pen."
9. & 10.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor while fucking your neighbor's wife. Our closest neighbor is an elderly Jewish women who lives alone. It seems unlikely that she will marry a lesbian who'd also have sex with me. It is even less likely that Mrs. al in la will sign off on this arrangement. Nice try, though.
JUDGE'S COMMENT: It is very impressive that someone would take the time to concoct this. As you can see, I have a few issues with it. Also, are these rules for me to live by? Or are they rules that I demand others follow? There is no way of knowing. I appreciate the interst but let's sign them and keep them under 25 words--okay?)
"Commit the secret sin and win $100."
Kathy H said...
"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
Anonymouse said...
Man thinking...
"Holy Groucho!!"
Tim H said...
"Here. Take these tablets and call me in the morning."
"These are my commandments. And if you don't like them, I have others."
"Tell me if any of these are funny."
"Wuh d-ya mean 25 words or less?"
"Hold these a sec, I've got to scratch my balls."
"Lord? Please give the other Anti-Cappers the wisdom to see that it is I who is speaking in his cartoon, not you."
That's OK, I have it on Kindle.
"They're never going to buy 'high level source.' They're going to know this came from you."
Is there an app for this?
Hey look! That lawyer just jumped out of an airplane.
"Hey! You! Get off of my cloud."
This would be funnier if I was in a lifeguard chair. Trust me, you're not the God of comedy.
Lost early short by Woody Allen and Mel Brooks. You can see the early influences at work.
I present to you these commandments in a form you can comprehend. What? Too Jewish?
Hang on to these, will ya? The seraphim are bogarting my weed.
Here's 11 through 20. thanks for waiting.I know, half a grade down for being two millennia late
"Number 8 doesn't apply to Berle."
"Hold this for me, man - I've got two priors!"
"Take my commandments.....please!"
Could you speed it up? My wife called and said her bush is burning.
Please accept my resignation. I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
I don't care if know the pope, there's no getting around breaking in at open mike night.
"Let me get this straight, Lord. Take the Jets and the points?"
"You say this is the winning Mega Millions lotto ticket and that you bought it in Post Falls, Idaho?"
Women don't like a god with a sense of humor? That explains why I get laid only once every 5,000 years.
I'm working on a follow up where, if you don't follow these commandments, you can just say "sorry" and it will all be jake."
...given this violent political rhetoric, people will start seeking second commandment solutions, like wearing images of my nose, glasses and facial hair, to lighten things up.
Christ, what a vast scroll.
"You want me to deliver your Manifesto to your chosen people? Are you sure they're ready for Marxism?" -cta
"When you said that under those glasses and fake nose you had some chiseled features... Well, I thought you meant something else." -cta
"A friend of my sister's friend's dad wrote these while doing bong hits and X, and I was told to give them to you. OK, cool."
And for you Aaron, my no-fail ten step latke recipe.
"And, on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, God dangled his chad."
"It's a little something I've been working on for, well, forever. I'd appreciate it if you could give it a read."
"Sorry, I take my orders from Harpo."
"So, you ARE Jewish."
"Your mother's up here with us, posing for Animal Crackers."
"Well, if I accepted that -- in a court of law they could prove that I have knowledge of your whereabouts. Now you just be patient, God -- we'll get in touch with you, alright."
“Forty years out here in this hellhole and you have the audacity to hand me a bill???”
"Take 'em, but don't break 'em. Hurry up, I go on in 5 minutes."
“Nine dollars and forty cents??? This is an outrage. If I were you, I wouldn’t pay it.”
---Otis B. Driftwood
“Where do you want this killin’ done?”
"Whaddayu' mean you don't read Yiddish?"
"How do I know you're really God?"
I'll take X. Kamah zeh oleh?
"Tell God to lose the Beagle Puss or we'll never get into the Gibson party."
"I know your not him. He had a painted-on mustache. And where the fuck is your cigar?"
"Now wander around in the desert for forty years looking for the promised land. Its got milk, its got honey, and here's the really funny part -- not a drop of freakin' oil."
-- Dex
Three boxes of Thin Mints.
"Hey! Hey! You! You! Get off of my shroud!"
"You want me to give this dictionary to alinla and not say it's from you?"
"They'd be easier to swallow in capsule form."
"YOU give them the stinking commandments. They're pissed enough at me as is."
“Everything I did was covered by accountants and lawyers who told me what I had to do to stay within the law.”
"Have you thought about getting contacts?"
"I appreciate the effort of your attempt at disguise, but as you're the only one who goes around handing out tablets of Commandments from a cloud..."
God's goofy brother Doug presents his own ten silly commandments.
"And if your people don't follow these commandments, I'll start creating Jews in my image."
"Sheesh. Can't you just issue a regular Winter Weather Advisory?"
“OK, I’ll read the script, but it better be funnier than ‘Love Happy’.”
"You have no idea how difficult it is for me to ask directions."
The World's First Porn.
Nice nose. You Jewish, too?
Jim Cavanaugh
Grouchostinko handing off to Moses Alone for no apparent gain.
"What's this? David M.'s apple pie recipe?"
“I know I’ve been lost for forty years, but do you think this GPS---Groucho Positioning System---is what I really need???”
"I'll start with the circumcisions wrapped in bacon followed by the pork tenderloin and a nice Manischewitz just for laughs."
"Ohhh, we're in a witness protection program. So now we have the Ten Amendments."
"Si, me llamo Moises. Es eso mi tarjeta verde? Supe que fue Mexicano."
"The secret word is Decalogue" - ECB
"OK, I took out the do not covet your neighbor's wife part. It was redundant with No. 7." - ECB
Here you are, Mr. Lennon. Read a book of Marx.
Verily, Mr. wiseguy, it is etched in stone. The Jets hath smitten the Colts.
"Gee, God, turning my staff into a snake went beautifully, but. . . sawing a woman in half?"
"Hey, mind your mannas."
"Why'd you smash the first two? Whatever. After a day at the races and a night at the opera I'm too tired to smack you."
"So you went and married an Ethiopian? Well, once you go black . . . "
"We know it's you Al and let me guess, you added a bunch of snotty comments."
"They say 12 to 18 inches. Is that true?"
The al in la Ten Commandments
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall write captions only while idle.
3. Do not take the name of al in la in vain just because you only made honorable mention.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, and that the winners will be picked within 48 to 72 hours.
5. Honor your father and mother by writing captions funnier than JohnnyB's.
6. You shall not murder the English language.
7. You shall not commit adultery or act like an adult at any time.
8. You shall not steal thy neighbor's caption.
9. & 10.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor while fucking your neighbor's wife.
"Sorry about the disguise. I'm just so embarrassed that a group proclaiming to be my followers would ever even consider protesting at a murdered 9-year-old's funeral."
"Thou shalt not point that beard at me, it might go off."
"OK, we'll try to do what you say, but only if you promise to give up smoking".
"OK, we'll try to do what you say, but only if you promise to give up smoking".
And how the hell am I supposed to get these lyrics to some guy named Zimmerman who won't be born for another 5000 years?
Man thinking...
"God, I hate Top Ten lists."
"Love the Stones."
"I've not eaten so much as a grain of sand in 40 days. Tell me that's a menu."
And these are my ten silly commandments. Take them and then pull my finger.
"It's all becoming crystal clear; you're trying to make a prophet!"
"Quick. Take these. I've got to get back to this costume party. I'm so close banging these two girls from North Hollywood."
"Printer ran out of ink, so I had to jot them down old school. You know like, Hammurabi and Menes."
"If they don't listen, just wander around the desert for forty years and await further instructions."
"Don't worry. Even if you lose this, whatever you tell them will end up on courthouse walls in four thousand years."
"Thou shall get no satisfaction?"
"Look, hallucinations of deities are always a little weird. Just stick with the story about the tablets, and skip the fake schnozz part."
"Gai kakhen afenyam, dude!"
"That's not a duck."
"I 'look ridiculous?' Tell you what -- shave, get a haircut, change out of your dress, and then get back to me on that one."
Cut it down to your best five and re-submit it or I'll delete some of them myself.
R.B. Trary
Who died for our sins and left you in charge?
Jim Cavanaugh
"Sorry but you'll have to submit it through an agent."
A womp bop a lu bop a lop bam boom?
"Christ, what an...assiduous supreme being you are." (nervous laughter)
"You take-a one from corum A and one from corum B."
"You got flies on Hory Glail"
"What are you, a comedian?"
"The burning bush was a better disguise."
O Lord, I am not mirthy.
Jim Cavanaugh
Moses reluctantly accepts David Letterman's latest Top Ten List.
The gospel according to Marx.
Jim Cavanaugh
"Here's your password for parting the Red Sea- please keep it in a safe place."
"This is a citation from the fashion police- the horizontal stripes aren't working."
"In a few thousand years, these are the European 'camps' you people should be avoiding."
I know this cartoon is crap but I have to hedge my bets til I get fired from the Redskins
Moses speaking into his Bluetooth: "Hello ACLU? I'm being harassed by a religious fanatic."
"I was hoping you could help me find an agent."
For this I upped my dose after the double rainbow?
Fenneman - A cultural reference that slipped by you, al. Guess you are too young to remember. George Fenneman was the announcer on You Bet Your Life and the perfect straight man to Groucho.
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